Anderson trained to be a pastor and has taught seminary classes. Before coming to us, he also completed a linguistics course for Bible translators. His mission goal is wide open. He dreams of serving in Greece, but is also interested in Bolivia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Juliana is a nurse who worked two jobs in a hospital and put herself through seminary by taking Saturday classes. She’s the first evangelical Christian in her family and one of her best supporters in her new calling is her mother. Ever since she heard one of our former students speak at her church several years ago, her heart’s desire has been to serve an indigenous people group in the Brazilian Amazon.
Raquel is also a nurse who put herself through seminary. Her great love, though, is urban mission, especially children’s ministries. She was very active in her church’s Sunday School and at the same time she served in its ministries in the favelas (slum areas) of her home city. Her mission goal at this point is Peru.
administrative assistant, studied in seminary, and completed technical training as a clinical pathologist: which was also his most recent job. Throughout this journey, he has had the dream of cross-cultural missionary service. He finally convinced his pastor that this was his calling, and is the first missionary to come from his church. At this point his mission goal is Ethiopia.
Sandra served last year in Bolivia through a Brazilian parachurch mission agency. She is active in her home church’s worship and dance ministry, and also is a leader for the young adult group. An administrative assistant by profession, she now feels the call to serve through JAMI in cross-cultural ministry in Sudan.
Miss you xxoo