Sunday, October 31, 2010

another lockout...

Locked out of the church! Couldn't get in for the Saturday class

Now we  have only two weeks to go to end this Fall's session for 2010. Discipleship Fair last week took over the church [for a very good purpose] so we had to change our schedule. Went to one and a half hour class to make up for lost time.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall Classes Start

Today was the first day for Fall classes. We met in the CBC parlor for the beginner class from 9 to 10. We will have to cancel two classes because of church usage. So we decided to extend the remaining four classes a half-hour from 9:30 to 11. This will give us the same 7 hours of classwork originally scheduled. There were nine students along with a child guest and Saw K Paw Htoo who interprets. He has been assisting me since the very beginning of my teaching the Karen community.