Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Mission in Later Life

Gave a talk today at CVOC about finding a mission in later life. Small audience but very involved; some prospective tenants and some residents. I talked about redefining your life in order to find new outlets for your talents. Shared tales of my experiences in Hartford with the Karen community and  mission trips to Brazil and Cuba.

blognote: The talk was sponsored by the Marketing Department and was not a part of our established lecture series.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cuba Humanitarian Mission

Just returned from 7 nights in Cuba; 5 in Havana and 2 in Trinidad. Took medical and educational supplies. The upper picture is of students in Pinar del Rio at the school in Las Terrazas. The rest of the supplies were given to the principal of the school.

The other pictures were taken at the church in the Las Caritas mission. Each participant in our group took 20 pounds of over-the-counter meds. We also delivered medications to the priest working with the HIV/AIDS mission there in Old Havana.