Friday, April 17, 2009

CVOC Presentation

My presentation this afternoon during the '3rd Friday at 3' series here at Covenant Village went very well. There were between 50 and 60 in the audience.

I started with three disclaimers: not a missionary, not a poet, not a photographer. So I interspersed my report with 'word pictures,' [actually my attempt at blogged poetry]. There was a suggestion at the end of the talk that I put my notes and poems into a folder and leave in the library. This way, people can reread it at their leisure and those unable to attend can visit it also.

bloginfo: The title of the presentation was 'Mission Travels and Poetry: JAMI 2007-2009'
blognote: I am giving the same presentation the first Sunday of May at church, Central Baptist, in Hartford.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lord, I Lift Your Name on High

This is one of my favorite Praise and Worship songs! We sang it many mornings during Devotionals at JAMI in Belo Horizonte, Brasil.

blognote: This was one of three songs that the students sang at my Despedída [going away party] in March, 2009.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Biblia en Lenguaje Sencíllo

I am using Bible to translate my Bible reading passages this month. I find that the Biblia en Lenguaje Sencíllo version is the best form of text to use for a congregation that does not speak Spanish.

This Sunday's reading is 2 Corinthians 5:1-5:

1 Bien sabemos que en este mundo vivimos como en una tienda de campaña que un día será destruida. Pero en el cielo tenemos una casa permanente, construida por Dios y no por humanos.2-3 Mientras vivimos en este mundo, suspiramos por la casa donde viviremos para siempre. Sabemos que, cuando estemos allí, estaremos bien protegidos.4 Mientras vivimos en esta tienda de campaña que es nuestro cuerpo, nos sentimos muy tristes y cansados. Y no es que no queramos morir. Más bien, quisiéramos que nuestros cuerpos fueran transformados, y que lo que ha de morir se cambie por lo que vivirá para siempre.5 Dios nos preparó para ese cambio, y como prueba de que así lo hará nos dio el Espíritu Santo.

blognote: As we read in English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese and Karen, the reading becomes more symbolic than linguistic.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

JAMI Talks

Will be giving two presentations in the near future about my volunteer work at JAMI. This first at CVOC for their 'Third Friday at Three' on April 17th. The second will be on May 3rd at noon at CBC after service.

Both will be talks with Q/A session. I don't have a lot of pictures as I prefer not to do the 'touristy' thing and just get to work. At CVOC I will include the poetry that I wrote there [April is National Poetry Month].

blofinfo: CVOC = Covenant Village of Cromwell where I now live and CBC = Central Baptist Church, my church in Hartford.
blognote: poetry blog click here

Thursday, April 2, 2009

a joke [?] from comedy central...

Mom and Dad were trying to console Susie, whose dog, Skipper, had recently died.

"You know," Mom said, "it's not so bad. Skipper's probably up in Heaven right now, having a grand old time with God."

Susie stopped crying and asked, "What would God want with a dead dog?"

blognote; That raises some good questions. What is the final answer; where are we going; Is finality final?????