This is one of my favorite Praise and Worship songs! We sang it many mornings during Devotionals at JAMI in Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
blognote: This was one of three songs that the students sang at my Despedída [going away party] in March, 2009.
Central Union Church [8/83]
11 years ago
Thomas..I am trying to post a comment and doesn't seem as if I can...I will try again... for it seems to be in God's hands...I quite agree with your choice of song in the above youtube video...I have only met you once, but have come away with the sense of knowing you for a lifetime...I am William's special friend (I pray with all my heart)...Sooz.
ReplyDeleteHey's something else...mofongoman??...asked William...he wasn't quite sure...but from my guess...I was self-explanatory...mofongo was mashed plantains, garlic and pork cracklings...perhaps a favorite dish of yours??...please let me know if I am close in my thinking or completely in the outer limits...:-)Sooz.
ReplyDeleteYes, sooz, mofongo is one of my favorite caribbean dishes. It is made exactly as you describe. The best place for it is in Puerto Rico but I can get a mean version in East Hartford, which reminds me I haven't been there for a while.