My classes here at JAMI have been very interesting. Some of the more 'memorable' are:
...a pronunciation lesson dealing with the th/TH sound contrast using the words from the song: 'Glorify Thy Name' with Father, earth, the, Thy, etc. This sound contrast is not easy for speakers of Brazilian Portuguese.

...a Language Informant Activity [LIA] which is new this year to JAMI in which I was the bus driver [informant] while Salvatore asked cultural and linguistic questions. I tried to be the ultimate NYC bus driver with 'sit down, keep to the rear, exact change, etc.. This was lots of fun.
...practicing the names of books of the Old Testament in English. This turned into a rap session and was livened up by a rooster. I
pronounced a book [Exodus] and the rooster would reply [cock-a-doodle-do] before the students got a chance to reply. I faked out his rhythm though and accomplished the lesson. The students never realized there was a problem.

...individual work with students on pronunciation of subjects they brought up. There were many energetic sessions here. Lots of cultural questions...

...trip on the bus from JAMI to Minas Shopping, a huge mall. We left at 8:30 and caught a fory minute bus ride. I was with the guys, Anderson and Salvatore, while the girls were in another group. First we visited the supermarket as the mall section didn´t open until 10 o'clock. The guys bought supplies for their cottages. They live here on campus for seven months and have to maintain their own living quarters here. Then we went to the bank [part of the assignment] and discussed the ATM machines in English. It's a wonder we weren't arrested we hung around there so long taking notes. Next we did some shopping and I bought three black and white jerseys which will be a surprise for the guys and our 'uniform' on Friday my last day here. Next a snack in the Food Court [part of the assignment, really] where I bought a banana and cheese pastel [fried pastry] and a fresh orange juice. Last minute shopping for keychains for the girls and then a run across the highway to get the bus back home. The other passengers on the bus must have really wondered what was going on. The entire trip was a big moving English lesson.
We made it just in time for lunch!
bloginfo: 'Casa do Nações' in the top picture is our classroom [House of Nations]
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