We reviewed last week's work and focused on the days of the week and months of the year. Bruce introduced himself and we went through our ritual of say, spell and write.
The Bible passage was 2nd Corinthians 5:14 and we concentrated on the pronunciation of Christ /krayst/ emphasing the final consonant cluster. Everyone did very well on that.
There were two topics for this week. The first was family. I showed my 'family tree' and we learned the members of the immediate family. After stressing my two children and two grandchildren, we contrasted that to Bruce's family. He has four children and eleven grandchildren. The students had fun repeating the names of all our grandchildren.
The second focus was occupations. We learned those of the people present: teacher, pastor, student and engineer. Bruce had brought a mini toolkit. The students learned tool vocabulary and we discussed uses of tools with appropriate verbs.
Each week the student population changes a bit. This week, with school in Hartford out for the year, the students were at a bit higher level than the first two weeks. I will adapt those differences into next week's lesson.
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