I hadn't seen that word in print for years. 'Chuuk'; what memories it brings back. It was called Truk then in the 60's but it's the same place, an island in Micronesia or the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. A little island, in fact, that is 3 by 10 miles large. We lived there for four years working with the United Nations/Department of the Interior building schools, teaching English and training teachers.
The Covenant Missions Newsletter has a posting under Guam for a position in the Chuuk Islands. When I called them I found out that it is at the Bible College in Guam and the connection is that there are students from Chuuk there. I wonder if I can still speak Trukese [Chuukese] now. Anyway, I don't think I will apply for the job. My connection with the American Baptist Convention is working out fine with my work through Volunteers in Global Mission.
blognote: I do want to go back and see the changes though.
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