Myra Dahgaypaw, a Carl Wilkens Fellow, from the Genocide Intervention Network was instrumental in setting up the "From the Jungles of Burma to Your Hometown" program today at Central Baptist Church. She gave a brief overview of the problem and led a panel of Karen refugees who told of their journey from Burma to Thailand to Hartford. Speaking today were Naw Peh Htoo, Htaw Nay Moo and Naw Shei Paw. They gave information concerning their lives, past and present, and participated in a QandA session. This was a very moving experience.
The presentations were followed by a delicious Burmese meal provided by the Karen Community of Central Baptist Church.
blogingo: Visit for more information
blognote: This program was very well attended and the information provided was especially needed.
Central Union Church [8/83]
11 years ago