Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hser Nay Chris Memorial Scholarships

'Loaves and Fishes' backdrop
Children's Sunday

On Sunday, June 16th the Hser Nay Chris Memorial Scholarships were awarded to Elizabeth Htoo and Mission Paw during Children’s Sunday. Elizabeth was the First Winner and received a check for $1000 and Mission Paw received $500 as the Second Winner. Both girls will be attending Manchester Community College in the fall. The scholarship founded by Thomas J Foran is for Karen youth at Central Baptist Church graduating from high school and attending a further education site. The scholarship was originally called the Karen Youth Scholarship and was renamed in honor of the departed Hser Nay Chris who was instrumental in the development of ESOL classes for Karen adults. In their essays the girls wrote on the subject: 'What Further Education Means to Me'. Mission Paw says: 'Many children my age are unable to achieve an education because society requires them to find a job that would help support themselves and their families.' Elizabeth writes: Society values educated people because they are the ones that will better their communities in the future.'

Friday, June 7, 2013

Vivienne Bell Funeral Service

Vivienne C. Bell nee Maxwell, of Hartford passed away peacefully on Saturday (May 25, 2013) at Hartford Hospital. A Funeral Service was held on Friday, June 7th. This was a wonderful reunion of her family and friends. The church sanctuary was packed and the singing was, I am sure, wonderful to her ears.

Along with many floral tributes, this bamboo plant was given by the Karen community. "Being generous, just helping one’s relatives and being blameless in one’s actions; this is the best good luck." This saying attributed to Buddha surely gives an insight into Vivienne's life. She will truly be missed.