Today is Pledge Sunday. You have heard from many people about the importance of pledging both your time and money to increase the life of the church and the power of its congregation. I ask you to consider the Time, Talents and Energies booklet. A pledge of assisting the Karen community in their English classes would be most appreciated. Next year, starting in January, we will embark on an improved program of ‘Play, Pray, Hello USA!,’
I would like to thank those of you who have already been involved in the program. Would the following please stand up: Victor Agosto, Joan and Bruce Davidson, Amy Endler, George Grisevich, Kari Miller, Norma Sproul, and Cheryl Zeiner.
Joan, Bruce and Amy came in to assist with a class.
Cheryl came in to assist with a meeting.
Victor, Cheryl, Amy and Kari taught classes.
George will teach next Saturday.
Norma and Joan will teach two weeks after that.
Eight people have been involved. Next year we can do much better with more people and offer a program that far surpasses anything done in any other church in Hartford. We will meet next January for a presentation about the new program. God bless you all!